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One Love Song

카테고리 없음

by quiflictacsi1986 2020. 1. 21. 13:46


One Love Song Song

One love, one heart Let's get together and feel all right Hear the children crying (One love) Hear the children crying (One heart) Sayin', give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right Sayin', let's get together and feel all right Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (one love) There is one question I'd really love to ask (one heart) Is there a place for the hopeless sinner Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own? General Commentgod does not have a concrete definition. To marley and any others who may associate themselves with a certain belief system, god might have a 'religious' significance.

The 1965 version of 'One Love' didn't credit Mayfield, but when the 1977 version was issued, it was listed as 'One Love/People Get Ready' and credited to Marley and Mayfield. In America, the only version of this song to chart was by the cast of the TV show Glee, who brought the song to #41 in 2010. Playingforchange.com - From the award-winning documentary, 'Playing For Change: Peace Through Music.

To any others, interpret god in a more abstract way. Personally, i understand god to be moral perfection, and therefore whenever marley sings 'give praise to the lord' i think of it as a metaphor for his emphasis on the importance of morality, justice, pureness of heart (and all other things associated with godliness). In any case, with that said, its fairly obvious that the meaning of the song is his plea for the people of the world to discard petty differences such as race and religious differences, and concentrate on the good in humanity. Create a harmonious and unified world with no hatred.

General Commentid just like you to all stop think marley did this for you christians. What do you think jamacans and rastafarians dont believe in god. How full of yourselves are you. He was wrote the song under his religious beliefs. I dont see him mentioning jesus anywhere. I think the main idea of the song is for people to try and work for the same goal, like if some one in the world is hurting where all hurting. He tries to unite us by getting us to feel like a team by working under the same god.

One Love Song

Love Songs For Your Man

God in this song is just the buety of life i think, or at least it is 2 me cuz im also atheist. So atheist dont feel disconnected from this song.

One Love Song